Software and documentation downloads
Click on the links below to download software for your device, or documents that you may find interesting. All of our downloads are
available free of charge and are routinely updated, so please check for the latest versions. 

Software for MacOS

Prosody 1.0. This software is still under development and will be available soon.

Vsound 2.7. Fully functional 64-bit version of the Mac software user interface for the vsound 2 effects pedal. For OSX including macOS Catalina. This is currently the latest version of the software.

Installation. It is important to follow the following steps carefully for proper operation of the software:

  • Download and unzip the entire "vsound 2-7 for mac" folder. Place the folder in the Applications folder of your Mac.
  • Inside this folder is the vsound app. Double click to open.
  • Your Mac may not initially permit vsound to open, because it does not recognize the developer. To enable the app, go to the Apple menu icon, and select System Preferences > Security & Privacy. Select the option to run vsound. You only need to do this once.
  • With vsound running, connect your vsound pedal and click "Detect". It should find the pedal immediately. You are now all set to go.
Note: Mac OSX comes with a built-in driver for the USB interface used by vsound. In the unlikely event that it does not have the driver, you can install it from the "vsound 2-7 for mac" folder by running the FTDIUSBSerial.pkg included with your system.

IR bundle 3. Download bundle 3 here. It includes 65 IRs for bass, cello, viola and violin . All free to use with the vsound pedal.

Vsound 2.5. Fully functional Mac software user interface for the vsound 2 effects pedal. Note: this is a 32-bit package and will not run on macOS Catalina 10.15.2 and beyond. For the latest version, use vsound 2.6.

Installation. It is important to follow the following steps carefully for proper operation of the software:

  • Download and unzip the entire "vsound for mac" folder. Place the folder in the Applications folder of your Mac.
  • Inside this folder is the vsound app. Double click to open.
  • Your Mac may not initially permit vsound to open, because it does not recognize the developer. To enable the app, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and select the option to run vsound. You only need to do this once.
  • Your Mac may also warn you that this is a 32-bit app. However, it can still be opened.
  • With vsound running, connect your vsound pedal and click "Detect". It should find the pedal immediately.  You are now all set to go.
Note: Mac OSX comes with a built-in driver for the USB interface used by vsound. In the unlikely event that it does not have the driver, you can install it from the "vsound for mac" folder by running the FTDIUSBSerial.pkg included with your system.

New hybrid violin/cello IR, cello and violin bundle. Download the latest IR bundle here. It includes 25 hybrid violin/cello responses, 5 cello IRs and 5 violin IRs. All free to use with the vsound pedal.
Software for Windows

Prosody 1.1. Fully functional 64-bit Windows software for the Prosody effects pedal.  This version features over 100 IRs, improved spectrum editing and automatic connection with the Prosody pedal. This is currently the latest version of the software.

Vsound 2.7. Fully functional 64-bit Windows software  for the vsound 2 effects pedal. This is currently the latest version of the software.

IR bundle 3. Download bundle 3 here. It includes 65 IRs for bass, cello, viola and violin . All free to use with the vsound pedal.

Vsound 2.5. Fully functional Windows software user interface for the vsound 2 effects pedal. 

New hybrid violin/cello IR, cello and violin bundle. Download the latest IR bundle here. It includes 25 hybrid violin/cello responses, 5 cello IRs and 5 violin IRs. All free to use with the vsound pedal.

USB driver. The USB driver for vsound should normally install automatically from the internet when first connected. However, if you are experiencing problems,  click this link to download and manually install the driver.

Vsound 2.3. Fully functional software user interface for the vsound 2 effects unit. For latest version, please download vsound 2.5.

Vsound 2.2. Fully functional software user interface for the vsound 2 effects unit. For latest version, please download vsound 2.5.

Vsound 2. Fully functional software user interface for the vsound 2 effects unit. For latest version, please download vsound 2.5.

Dcello. Fully functional user interface for the dcello hardware unit.

Vsound 1. Fully functional software user interface for the vsound 1 effects unit. Note that this product is legacy only. Vsound 1 has been superseded by vsound 2.

Signal Wizard 3. Fully functional user interface and multiple effects package for the Signal Wizard 3 hardware unit.

Signal Wizard 2.5. Fully functional user interface and filter design package for the Signal Wizard 2.5 hardware unit.